Boesemani Rainbowfish
Red Tail Banded Rainbowfish
Parkinson’s Rainbowfish
Slender Rainbowfish
Honey Blue Eye Rainbowfish
Pseudomugil Gertrudae’s Rainbowfish
Pseudomugil Furcata Blue Eye Rainbowfish
Betta Male Siamese Fighter Red Crown Tail
Betta Male Siamese Fighter Turquoise Neon Crown Tail
Betta Male Siamese Fighter Yellow Green
Betta Male Siamese Fighter Blue Crown Tail
Betta Male Siamese Fighter Red Rainbow
Betta Male Siamese Fighter Turquoise
Betta Female Siamese Fighter Turquoise
Betta Female Siamese Fighter Royal Blue
Pink Balloon Kissing Gourami
Pygmy Gourami
Cosby Gold Gourami
Cosby Blue Gourami
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami
Royal Red Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf Gourami
The Anabantidae or commonly known as the Climbing Perch Family is made up of three genera; Anabas, Ctenopoma, and Sandelia ,and is widespread throughout Africa and Southeast Asia. The Anabantidae possess a labyrinth organ, which is a structure in the fish's head which allows them to breathe atmospheric oxygen. This organ is a kind of primitive lung.
Fish of this family are often seen gulping air at the surface of the water; which then passes out of their gills or mouth when they dive beneath the surface. Common aquarium fish in this category are Gouramies and Bettas.